
Life lessons from a 6-year-old

To perform well, one needs to be prepared to fall and humble enough to learn from the right person. I often use the quote "The teacher will appear when the student is ready." Little did I know that my teacher appeared as a 6 year old little girl, last week. Snow...

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Many years ago I was working with a group of new leaders who had their direct line leader present in the 3 day leadership workshop. We were talking about mindset and how you overcome fear and step up to the mark to lead your people.  A lot of our discussion was about...

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Catch your thoughts, not Imposter Syndrome!

What is Imposter Syndrome? “The persistent inability to believe that one's success is deserved or has been legitimately achieved as a result of one's own efforts or skills.” Experiencing Imposter syndrome is like: having an irrational fear about not being the right...

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Finding FLOW

Having one word to focus for the year ahead will enable me to re-centre myself and remind myself what this year is all about.  The word FLOW, for me is powerful and one that creates movement and ease.  It means following the path of least resistance.  It means having...

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We are not all Nelson Mandela or Mahatma Ghandi

Purpose is one of the strands that feeds into our ability to be resilient.   Making sure that we are not feeling “adrift at sea” or “lost in the woods”, to quote some of you. It is important to find small ways to find meaning in your work or your day. According to a...

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“You cannot do kindness to soon, for you never know how soon will be too late” Ralph Waldo Emerson Make somebody's day today! It is simple.  Make someone’s day today by being kind.  It costs nothing! If you are feeling good, then share it!  Do a random act of kindness...

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Sense check your emotional resilience

"Resilience is a muscle, flex it enough and it will take less effort to get over emotional punches each time.” Alecia Moore I was recently introduced to a great book; The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy and it’s got me thinking about a lot of the challenges people who...

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How does weather impact your motivation?

“Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever must be done, it’s always your choice.”  Wayne Dyer How does weather impact your motivation? Hot August days in the UK have caused many of us to completely STOP!  I found myself having an internal struggle with what I...

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Every choice you have has an end result

Life is all about choice. Every choice you make has an outcome or a consequence. The more choices we make on our own the more we realise our freedom. Not having choice is not having freedom. The sooner you realise that your life is 100% within your own hands the...

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